What are your opening hours?

We are open Monday to Friday from 10AM to 6PM, We are closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Where are you located ?

We are at 273 Ste-Catherine East in Montreal.

How can I reach you?

You can contact us by phone during our opening hours at 514 375-5356 or by email via our contact form.

What are your payment methods ?

We accept payments by credit card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express), debit card, PayPal and cash. We do not accept payments by phone or check.

Do you buy or sell used equipment ?

Yes, you can request a free evaluation of your device on this page.

Yes, we sell used devices on this page. Please note, our used devices are not sold in stores but ONLY ONLINE on our website.

Do you unlock phones ?

No. We do not unlock phones. It is free since December 1, 2017. Dial * 611 from your mobile phone.

My iPhone, iPad, iPod is stuck on iCloud, can you help me?

Unfortunately no. If you are the owner of the iCloud account you can request a password forgotten from Otherwise there is currently no way to withdraw this account.

Is it possible to buy only parts?

No. We do not sell any single parts without installation.

Is it possible to send you my device by post ?

Yes. If it is not possible to come to our Montreal workshop you can send us your device by post. We invite you to contact us by phone or email before sending us your device.

Is it possible to replace only the broken glass on my device ?

Yes. We are among the only ones in Quebec to be equipped and trained to replace only the broken glass and keep the original screen on your device. This technique allows us to offer better repairs on the market.

We are equipped for glass replacement only for cell phones and tablets up to 10 inches.